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There is no denying the fact that insurance companies routinely undervalue claims stemming from automobile collisions. When compared to the ultimate amount that an attorney was able to obtain for their client, the difference between the original offer made by the insurance company and the amount that they were able to recover can be astounding. Even though the victims in these circumstances may have injuries that are irreversible, the insurance company's compensation typically does not even come close to covering the cost of medical care.
The good news is that attorneys may frequently bargain with insurance companies to collect substantially more than what the insurance company originally gives. This is something that's a cause for celebration. On the other hand, you will need the assistance of an experienced attorney who has a track record of success.
Give The Selvin Law office a call right now to find out more about the ways in which our automobile accident attorneys headquartered in New York and Long island may be able to help you with your case. On behalf of those who were injured in automobile collisions, we were successful in recovering millions. There is no charge associated with the first consultation.
In the following, you will find further information on the reasons why insurance companies undervalue claims and the solutions that your attorney may provide.
Insurance companies, like any other type of company, are in the business of making money, and in order to stay in business, they need to do so. In other words, they require a greater amount of money coming in than is leaving out the door. If an insurance firm is profitable, it will have more money coming in through premium payments from customers than it will have to provide over to harmed parties as compensation.
The clients of insurance firms have interests that are in direct opposition to those of the companies themselves. It is in the insurance company's best interest to investigate all possible means by which a claim might be refuted, or its value reduced.
The insurance company's second choice, in the event that they are unable to outright reject a claim because there is sufficient proof of guilt on their end, is to at the very least reduce the value of the claim. However, the insurance company is obligated to explain why a claim is not valid for the amount of money that the policyholder is requesting.
This is a common response from insurance companies, even in cases where it is patently evident that the policyholder is not at fault. In the event that the victim was struck by another vehicle, the driver of which was traveling at an unsafely high rate of speed or did not have the right of way, the insurance company may assert that the accident was your fault because of some insignificant error you made before to the collision. They believe that your presence on the road is a ten percent contributor to the accident that occurred. Their profit margin increases with each reduction of 10 percent in costs.
You have to be very careful about what you say to the insurance company since even a comment as innocuous as "I was in a hurry" might be used against you in a legal proceeding.
Your refusal to wear a seat belt might be cited as a basis for the insurance company to refuse your claim, despite the fact that this has nothing to do with the acts taken by the other motorist.
You are still able to file a claim for compensation for the losses you sustained, even if you were partially responsible for what happened. However, insurance companies want to place a disproportionate amount of blame on victims because if you are determined to be more than 50 percent at fault in an accident, you will not be able to get any compensation no matter how badly you were harmed.
It is in your best interest not to trust the word of the insurance company regarding your proportion of blame. It is recommended that you address the matter with your attorney, and above all else, you should not acknowledge blame to the insurance company.
There is a common misconception that fractured bones are more serious than damage to soft tissue. Nevertheless, injury to soft tissues might result in persistent discomfort in addition to other medical issues.
The employees of insurance firms are not licensed medical professionals. It is best to leave the assessment of the severity of your injuries to the specialists who care for you. The seriousness of an injury is not often immediately apparent after it has occurred. When attempting to evaluate the long-term effects of an injury sustained in a vehicle accident, it might take medical professionals many weeks or even months to see how a patient reacts to therapy.
It is essential that you do not provide the insurance company with any ammunition that they may use against you. Because of this, it is imperative that therapy be sought as soon as possible and that treatment be maintained. Because of this, it will be more difficult for the insurance company to disagree about the severity of your injuries.
The time frame in which you sought medical attention following the accident is something that insurance companies will investigate. They may hold it against you if there was a large amount of time that passed between the accident and the date that you initially sought treatment for your injuries. Many people in Minnesota are hurt in vehicle accidents, but they put off going to the hospital for treatment. Because they dislike going to the doctor, have a "high threshold for pain," or operate under the assumption that the "pain will go away," they make this assumption. All of these are legitimate reasons to put off getting medical attention, but they also provide the insurance company of the person who caused the accident with ammo to argue that you are not wounded. The insurance company will argue that you were hurt as a result of anything other than the collision itself, and that you are doing so in order to obtain financial compensation.
You run the danger of your injuries becoming more severe if you discontinue receiving treatment. You are also providing the insurance provider with a cause to discount your claim by doing so. If you cease treatment, they will claim that you are well and do not require reimbursement for any further medical care because you no longer require it. If you stop receiving therapy, the insurance company will have the opportunity to challenge your veracity.
After being injured in a vehicle accident, it is often a wise decision to consult with an attorney about your legal options. You cannot put your trust in the insurance company to look out for your best interests.
At The Selvin Law Firm, our experienced attorneys have witnessed the ways in which insurance companies disapprove of and undervalue genuine claims. We have also taken legal action against them and won compensation for a number of victims.
Because our lawyers take cases on a contingency basis, there are no up-front costs and none throughout the time that we are working on your case. There is no danger involved in making contact with us.
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